

VegMeUp Delivery

Does VegMeUp reuse my delivery box?

We certainly do! We are all about sustainability and reducing our environmental footprint. We encourage you to leave your used box out for our delivery drivers to pick up when they drop off your fresh box. (Melbourne & Geelong only) You can include your icepack and cooling pouch in the box too! We will make sure to reuse it for your next delivery.

How much plastic does VegMeUp use?

VegMeUp uses an absolute minimum amount of plastics; we place as much of your delivery as we can in paper bags.

What sustainable packaging solutions does VegMeUp use?

We are constantly trying to innovate for more and better sustainable packaging solutions. Here are some steps we have taken so far:

  1. We use a cooling pouch that is made from 100% recycled paper.
  2. We offer to reuse your old delivery box—simply leave it outside for our drivers to collect. (Melbourne, Geelong only)
  3. Our ice packs are reusable—leave them out with your old box, and we’ll collect it.
  4. Our recipe cards are printed on 100% recycled paper.


VegMeUp Delivery


VegMeUp Delivery

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